Learning Disability

Extension Activities / Learning Disability


The Learning Disability Unit of Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, in association with the Department of Paediatrics started functioning since December 2015. The unit was first started as a Government school health project in collaboration with School Educational Department, Kanyakumari district and later extended to some private sectors too. The Unit functions regularly on every Saturdays. The aim of the Unit is to serve the community by identifying the children with problems of Learning and Behavioral disorders, as well as managing them homeopathically furthermore to help the teachers and parents to manage them in school and home. The Unit consists of a multidisciplinary team for executing assessment and precise management of the disabled one.

The list of team members are listed below

1.       Dr. V. Siju M.D (Hom), M.Sc. (Counselling & Psychotheraphy), P.G. Dip. in Clinical Research.

2.       Dr. Reshma Reghu M.D (Hom) Paediatrics

3.       Mr. T. Thana Sekhar B.OT, DR (OT), B.Ed. (S.E)

4.       Mrs. V. Anitha Mary M.A. B.Ed, DECE, Dip. Speech Therapy for Assisstant

Several programmes were conducted for the development of the unit viz Awareness programme, Screening programme, Exhibition programme, Training programme.

Activities -  Click here