The global hand washing day was celebrated in SKHMC on 15-10-2020 (Thursday). The programme was conducted in two sessions. The First session was conducted at SKHMC hospital premises at 9.30 am. Introduction of the programme was given by Dr. Satheesh M. Nair (Asst. Prof., Dept of Organon & YRC Programme Officer). He explained about the importance of hand wash in the current scenario. After that Mrs. Remya Prem (Quality controller, SKHMC Hospital) explained about hand wash and demonstrated the hand washing techniques to the patients. And finally after the session, attendees were told to repeat the hand washing procedures. Programme ended at 10.15 am. The next session stared at 10.30 am through Google meet.( The progarmme was exclusively for I BHMS students. Mrs. Remyaprem (Quality controller, SKHMC) explained about hand wash and demonstrated the hand washing techniques to the students. Around 50 YRC volunteers participated in this programme. The future programmes of YRC were also discussed and students showed their interests in participating in such programmes.